As restrictions started to ease and borders opened earlier this year work-related travel requirements are on the rise. March 2021 saw SCSE embark on our first flight, since the same time a year ago in March 2020.
During 2020 we managed to maintain a healthy client workload, as well as our health and sanity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the pandemic continues to haunt us all with greater Sydney in lockdown as this blog goes to post.
The first return trip was a flight to Tasmania to facilitate three regional workshops for the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA).
The purpose of the workshops was to engage industry participants in the development of the Tasmanian Agricultural and Horticultural Industry Code of Practice and to identify the industry specific risks and controls in the agricultural and horticultural heavy vehicle supply chain in Tasmania.
The first consultation draft of the Code was distributed to workshop participants for review and feedback this month (June 2021).
Albury–Wodonga and Perth
The next trip saw Sean travel to Albury-Wodonga on the NSW/Victoria border and Perth WA in March and April 2021 respectively. Sean was undertaking site verification as part of a CoR safety and compliance review for one of the world’s leading solutions providers for mining equipment parts. Pleasingly the organisation had robust packing practices in place to make sure the fabricated goods could withstand handling and transportation.
Another trip saw Sean fly back into Albury and jump in a hire car to drive to Deniliquin in the Riverina of NSW. The purpose of this trip was to conduct a CoR assurance audit on a transport operator engaged by our client, one of the largest rice food companies in the world. During this trip Sean had the opportunity to visit the farm of one of the biggest rice growers in the region.
Townsville and Brisbane
The fourth trip saw Sean travel to Townsville and Brisbane to undertake more site verification activities for another client, a leading supplier of aggregates, concrete and concrete pipe and products. SCSE has now conducted CoR health checks for three of Australia’s largest suppliers of aggregates, concrete and concrete/masonry products.
The most recent trip had Sean traveling to Adelaide just prior to the border closing to NSW. Sean was in Adelaide to facilitate the Grain Transport Safety Network (GTSN). While there, Sean was able to visit the Viterra Outer Harbour Grain Terminal with other visitors including the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). On the tour visitors were shown the export terminal road receival and plant operations, inspecting the weighing, storage, quality control and ship loading facilities.
If you need an independent review of your CoR safety and compliance by an experienced and recognised industry professional, please get in touch.